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Exploring Abroad Series Intro: Exploring the Natural World Abroad

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

There are some places you visit just to hike, like Rocky Mountain National Park. And then there are some places you visit just to relax… but then end up on a spectacular hike! However you plan it, exploring the natural world on vacation is always memorable.

Our little wike family loves to travel-- made possible by my husband’s dedication to maximizing credit card points! We have always been drawn to nature’s attractions when traveling, and when we think back on all of our travels, we realize that we’ve done a good amount of hiking abroad. The world is a truly beautiful place, and there is so much to explore.

In celebration of hiking abroad, we’re spending the next month or so bringing you stories from awesome hikes around the world. Some of the hikes will come from trips specifically planned around hiking and other hikes will come from more spontaneous experiences. We will share some hikes that were led by children and others that were rigorous and grown-ups only. Some hikes will be from our original Wike Baby family, but there will also be many from our friends and guest bloggers. Keep checking back to virtually visit a new exciting location each week! Maybe you'll gain inspiration for an upcoming trip!


Read all the Posts from this Series!

HUGE THANK YOU to our amazing guest bloggers for the time, wisdom, and inspiration they have shared!!!


Photos from the series. (Click a photo to see where it was taken.)

What are your favorite walks, hikes, or wikes around the world? Share them in the comments below or contact us to showcase them in our blog series!

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Spend time together with your family and friends exploring and adventuring.



Practice appreciating nature and your part in it.



Stay active and healthy.


Recenter yourself with peace and calmness.


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