Outdoor Enthusiast, Mom, Educator

Hello! I'm Kelly and this little bundle of adventure is my original wike baby. She's a preschooler now, and we have a new wike baby in the family! I'm an outdoor enthusiast trying to share the world with my children through small adventures, like walking and hiking ...wiking!
This website is dedicated to inspiring you to get active outdoors with your children. Big adventures and epic hikes are great, but it's the little adventures-- the wikes-- that bring us so much joy.
I'm also a K-6 teacher passionate about outdoor education. Getting our children outside offers SO many benefits for both our children and our greater society. I bring my perspective as an educator and my experiences understanding and wrangling kids to my work on this website.
Thanks for joining us on our outdoor adventures. Take a look at our Wike Map to find awesome outdoor spots in the greater Boston area. Send me a shout out about your favorite "wikes" or your ideas for forging an active and nature-filled life for your children. Can't wait to hear from you!
You can read more about why new moms love wiking (and why I started wiking) here.
And you can read more about my philosophy of why we need to get our children outside here.
These days, blogging takes a back seat to the real-life adventures of parenting and teaching. You can still follow us on Instagram to get inspiration for your own adventures near Boston. Join our community at @puddleparenting to get tips, tricks, and research about growing kids outdoors from my two friends and myself.
Wishing you and your family many small adventures! And... let's get outside together soon!!